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The Virtual Reference Desk- The Virtual Reference Desk provides help to academic researchers on a variety of topics. |
Internet Archive- Find out what websites used to look like. | These free online reference tools help consumers estimate monthly payments, plan for the future, and estimate the impacts of some health activities. | Comprehensive set of portals on every subject imaginable. Browse featured articles, videos, tips and more. |
Spanish Translator- Specialized Spanish to English and English to Spanish dictionaries, and other helpful tools and resources for Spanish translators. |
The Old Farmer's Almanac- The Old Farmer's Almanac brings this classic reference work to the Internet. All the standard features including weather, gardening, astronomy, food and general advice can be found here. A detailed calendar feature and weather information can be customized depending on the visitor's needs. |
Hobby Farms- Come farm with us - log on at the end of the work day and read the latest news on livestock, chickens, goats, crops, farm equipment, gardening, bards and recipes. |
The Official U.S. Time- The authoritative current time for all American time zones. You can find the exact time for Samoa, Hawaii, Alaska, the Pacific zone, the Mountain zone, the Eastern Zone, and the Atlantic Zone. The site is provided by the American government. |
The Library of Congress- Library and research institution. Find information about American history, webcasts, digital preservation, Thomas Jefferson, and more. |